API Docs for: 0.0.1

File: src/event kopie/event-emitter.js

"use strict";

 * Extends the Event-instance by adding the method `Emitter` to it.
 * The `Emitter-method` returns an object that should be merged into any Class-instance or object you
 * want to extend with the emit-methods, so the appropriate methods can be invoked on the instance.
 * <i>Copyright (c) 2014 ITSA - https://github.com/itsa</i>
 * New BSD License - http://choosealicense.com/licenses/bsd-3-clause/
 * Should be called using  the provided `extend`-method like this:
 * @example
 *     var Event = require('event');<br>
 * @module event
 * @submodule event-emitter
 * @class Event.Emitter
 * @since 0.0.1

var NAME = '[event-emitter]: ',
    REGEXP_EMITTER = /^(\w|-|#)+$/,
    Event = require('./event-base.js');

Event.Emitter = function(emitterName) {
    var composeCustomevent = function(eventName) {
            return emitterName+':'+eventName;
    if (!REGEXP_EMITTER.test(emitterName)) {
        console.error(NAME, 'Emitter invoked with invalid argument: you must specify a valid emitterName');
    newEmitter = {
         * Defines a CustomEvent. If the eventtype already exists, it will not be overridden,
         * unless you force to assign with `.forceAssign()`
         * The returned object comes with 4 methods which can be invoked chainable:
         * <ul>
         *     <li>defaultFn() --> the default-function of the event</li>
         *     <li>preventedFn() --> the function that should be invoked when the event is defaultPrevented</li>
         *     <li>forceAssign() --> overrides any previous definition</li>
         *     <li>unHaltable() --> makes the customEvent cannot be halted</li>
         *     <li>unPreventable() --> makes the customEvent's defaultFn cannot be prevented</li>
         *     <li>unSilencable() --> makes that emitters cannot make this event to perform silently (using e.silent)</li>
         * </ul>
         * @method defineEvent
         * @param eventName {String} name of the customEvent, without `emitterName`.
         *        The final event that will be created has the syntax: `emitterName:eventName`,
         *        where `emitterName:` is automaticly prepended.
         * @return {Object} with extra methods that can be chained:
         * <ul>
         *      <li>unPreventable() --> makes the customEvent's defaultFn cannot be prevented</li>
         *      <li>forceAssign() --> overrides any previous definition</li>
         *      <li>defaultFn() --> the default-function of the event</li>
         *      <li>preventedFn() --> the function that should be invoked when the event is defaultPrevented</li>
         * </ul>
         * @since 0.0.1
        defineEvent: function (eventName) {
            return Event.defineEvent(composeCustomevent(eventName));

         * Emits the event `eventName` on behalf of the instance holding this method.
         * @method emit
         * @param eventName {String} name of the event to be sent (available as e.type)
         *        you could pass a customEvent here 'emitterName:eventName', which would
         *        overrule the `instance-emitterName`
         * @param payload {Object} extra payload to be added to the event-object
         * @return {Promise}
         * <ul>
         *     <li>on success: returnValue {Any} of the defaultFn</li>
         *     <li>on error: reason {Any} Either: description 'event was halted', 'event was defaultPrevented' or the returnvalue of the preventedFn</li>
         * </ul>
         * @since 0.0.1
        emit: function(eventName, payload) {
            return Event.emit(this, eventName, payload);

         * Removes all event-definitions of the instance holding this method.
         * @method undefAllEvents
         * @since 0.0.1
        undefAllEvents: function () {

         * Removes the event-definition of the specified customEvent.
         * @method undefEvent
         * @param eventName {String} name of the customEvent, without `emitterName`.
         *        The calculated customEvent which will be undefined, will have the syntax: `emitterName:eventName`.
         *        where `emitterName:` is automaticly prepended.
         * @since 0.0.1
        undefEvent: function (eventName) {

    // register the emittername:
    Event.defineEmitter(newEmitter, emitterName);
    return newEmitter;

module.exports = Event;